AGM 2022

Nottingham Outlaws held their Annual General Meeting at Lenton Lane on Thursday evening (13th October).

Current officers reported on progress made over the last twelve months and generally speaking the club has made excellent progress across a number of areas, in no particular order some of the highlights on our first full season post-covid include:
Reasonably strong financial progress with the club making a small profit despite investing over £10k in ground and changing room improvements
Significant growth in the Women’s section which has recruited more players and played more games than previous season with a particularly strong presence at training and social events
Strong growth in what was a rebuilding year for the Juniors, big increases in numbers and more festivals played
Touch rugby continues to frow year on year, increasing numbers almost becoming a problem! (but a nice problem to have!)
Club hosted a number of events including Work socials, Varsity Match and a Wedding
PR and Publicity was significantly improved
Project 40 fundraising was kicked off and has made an excellent start, with new floodlights now being installed
The senior men’s section fulfilled all of their fixtures but took a few heavy defeats on the way. There are plans being put in place to rectify the situation and strengthen the team for next season
The committee was then dissolved and a new committee elected by those in attendance. These are as follows:
Chair Richard Johnson
Secretary Alex Whittle
Treasurer Steve Page
Coaching and Performance Joe Shepherd
Women’s Representative Violet Coppin, Stew Readhead
Junior Representatives Sian and Paul Clarke
Registration (Seniors) Richard Johnson and Kath Radford
Registration (Juniors) Sian and Paul Clarke
PR and Publicity Kath Radford
Social Secretary Ronan Trebble
Statistician Andrew Benyon
There was then a general discussion around subscriptions for 2023 and these are as follows:
Men’s and Women’s Annual Subscriptions £75.00
Students Annual Subscriptions £25.00
Juniors Annual Subscriptions £25.00