Nottingham Outlaws will be holding their 2022 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) at Lenton Lane on Thursday 13th October starting at 7.30pm. The meeting is open to everyone at the club including players and supporters.
At the start of the AGM we will dissolve the current committee and re-elect a new committee for the 2023 campaign.
There are plenty of positions available if anyone wants to get involved with the running of the club, ranging from formal officers positions (such as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) through to general committee membership.
If you would like to join the committee then please come along on the night or contact the club at [email protected] if you can’t make the meeting or would like more information.
Once the new committee has been elected there will be a discussion on a number of key points such as setting club membership subscriptions, fund raising, social events etc so please come along and have a say in how your club is being run!